Gelhorn Pessary
  • Gelhorn Pessary
  • Gelhorn Pessary

Gelhorn Pessary

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Silicone Gelhorn Pessary, also called Club or Club Pessary. Specific pessary for important stages (3-4) of Prolapse (bladder, rectum, and uterus).

Size to choose from the drop-down menu above:


The club pessary is also called the Gellhorn pessary or the club pessary .

The shape of this Gellhorn pessary was designed for stage 3 or 4 organ descents:
  • Stage 3 or 4 cystocele (prolapse of the bladder into the vagina)
  • Rectocele (prolapse of the rectum into the vagina) stage 3 or 4
  • Stage 3 or 4 hysterocele ( prolapse of the uterus into the vagina)

It is generally prescribed after failure to use a urethral pessary, bowl or ring or when the use of a Cube pessary has increased the stress incontinence .

Use of the club pessary:

The shaft of the Gelhorn (club) pessary should allow the upper part to remain in a functional position.

Before the pessary is put in place, the prolapsed organs must be put back in place , sometimes with two hands when the prolapse affects several pelvic organs.

The Gelhorn Pessary comes in 9 sizes to choose from

The Gellhorn Club pessary is available in 9 different sizes from 50 mn to 90 mn. Your doctor will prescribe the size adapted to your anatomy.

The size of the club pessary is determined by the diameter of the upper part, the bowl.

To select the size of the Gelhorn pessary, use the drop-down menu at the top of this pessary's sheet.

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